Sunday, December 27, 2009

When Engineers Build Gingerbread

You should have seen the blueprints… no I’m serious.

Picture 111

Picture 114

We had to specifically keep the meddling hands of our non-engineer friends out of this until the last moments so that they wouldn’t interfere with our “vision,” complete with balcony, pool, and bay windows…  with a little architectural flare.

Sure, sure some of you may disagree with the non-candy decorations, but honestly, what makes a better looking tree?  I’ll tell you what, NOT pretzel's and M&M’s glued with frosting.  In fact, that combination of confections along with some “grass” sprinkles turned into more of an alien spaceship irradiating ants in the back yard.Picture 106

Which of course, at that point called for an exterminator…

Picture 083

Here’s a quick look at the custom pieces we baked to make the house.

Picture 049

 Picture 051

Picture 060

Picture 063

 Picture 072

Picture 074

Picture 094

Picture 117

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